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Framers of The Constitution could have avoided civil war

The U.S. could have avoided the Civil War, the military conflict that’s #1 all-time for Americans KIA, w/estimates as high as 850K. [FN1] We have “Civil War” reenactments, battlefield tours, etc. Even a dumbass like Micah Beckwith can glorify the carnage of warfare. 1/10

The U.S. could have avoided the Civil War. In 1787, delegates met in Philadelphia, pursuant to resolution of Congress. [FN2] After three months, the product of their work a) made no mention of “slavery,” yet b) protected both slavery & slave holders. [FN3] 2/10

The U.S. could have avoided the Civil War, but it would be co$tly. Estimate of monetary value of slaves was “$3,000,000,000 of our property.” [FN4] The “possession of slaves” made “the South the wealthiest section of the nation.” [FN5] The Framers of the Constitution 3/10

“believed that concessions on slavery were” necessary for “support of southern delegates for a strong central government” & if the Constitution restricted the slave trade, S. Carolina & GA would refuse to join the Union.” [FN6] The Framers shirked a duty & many died. 4/10

Our country faces a similar set of circumstances today. If trump is allowed to take office on Jan 20, trump will be a dictator. The freedoms that define our country will no longer exist, the Oval Office will again be occupied by a Russian stooge & multiple-convicted felon. 5/10

Governments founded on democratic principles have been destroyed by democracy’s enemies, as occurred after 1/30/1933 in Germany after Hitler took office as Chancellor w/only 37 percent of the seats in the Reichstag. What followed were the Holocaust and World War II. 6/10

Hitler could have been stopped, but once he was in office, it was too late. The United States has 10 days before inauguration of a man who has said he will terminate The Constitution and seek vengeance against his enemies. There are means to stop him from taking office. 7/10

The Framers never should have compromised on slavery. Hitler should not have been allowed to take office. These are lessons in history. Pres Biden should invoke emergency powers and suspend the results of the 2024 election. Otherwise Hitler wins - again. 8/10

FN1. Zeller, Bob, “How Many Died in the American Civil War?” History Channel, 1/6/22, updated 8/23/23, accessed, 1/9/25.
FN2. “the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation and reporting to Congress and the several legislatures ...” 2/21/1787, Journals of the Continental Congress, vol. 38 (manuscript), Library of Congress. 9/10

FN3. Const. Art. I, §1 (“three-fifths compromise”); Art. I, §9 (“slave trade compromise”).
FN4. Georgia secession statement, Jan 29, 1861.
FN5. Collier, Christopher and James Lincoln Collier, “Decision at Philadelphia,” 2007, p. 185.
FN6. Mintz, Steven, “Historical Context: The Constitution and Slavery,” The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History,” accessed 1/10/25. 10/10

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