Civil Discourse Now

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Scriveners errors & hyper technicalities

6/6/2022 Caller ID sd Indiana’s PD #. who for years had appointed me to appeals. My cheerful Hi! was met w/ ... very ... slowly ... asked ... questions. Her tone & pace + reference to Russia’s invasion of the USA as grounds I’d cited for an extension, threw me off. Then the clacking 1/7

of her fingers on a computer keyboard came through. I quickly denied those were the grounds I’d cited for an extension and ended the call. I pulled up the emergency motion I’d filed. Nowhere is Russia mentioned. The numbered paragraphs describe: 1) Jurisdiction; 2) Procedural history; 2/7

3 & 4) Appellate history; 5) Current due date; 6) Who the Petitioner is; 7) Reasons for extension; 8) Extension is sought fewer than 10 days before deadline because counsel’s knee replacement surgery was bumped 11/30/21 & 2/8/22 due to COVID surges & counsel’s was significant.3/7

The relief sought in the motion in my computer: “WHEREFORE, Petitioners respectfully move the Supreme Court for an extension of time to file Petition for Writ of Certiorari, and for all other proper relief.” The document I received back from SCOTUS, in PDF, is identical to what I 4/7

have in my computer except for relief sought: “WHEREFORE, Petitioners respectfully move the Supreme Court to appoint a Special Master to investigate the invasion of the United States as described in this Motion, and for all other proper relief.” This was a scrivener’s error, 5/7

a/k/a typo. I had used, to format the motion, a filing I’d submitted to SCOTUS in an earlier case. To construe my motion as based on an invasion was an obvious misunderstanding & taken out of context, especially given my medical emergency. But I wondered why the State PD knew 6/7

about the denial or who pointed out grounds I’d given. Justice Barrett is “Circuit Justice” (rules on emergency requests) for the 7th Circuit and denied the motion. I’m a pro choice candidate in the GOP primary for City-Council District 2. I approve of this message. Hell, I wrote it. 7/7

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