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Pres Biden must protect this country as electors were meant to do

One of the most chilling statements in Special Counsel’s Final Report:
“Mr. Trump did this in contravention of the Framers' intent to prevent a sitting President from perpetuating himself in power.” [FN1] 1/7

We need to cut the bullshit. Allowing trump to take office on Jan 20 means we’ve shut the trunk on our republic and rolled the car into a retention pond. American voters would vote AGAINST a candidate for POTUS who would say: “I shall be a dictator.” 2/7

That's why GOP nominees in 2024 tried to deny they’d even heard of Project 2025, a right-wing plan to install dictator trump. All they needed were enough votes to get close enough & then the hacks would pull them the rest of the way across the finish line. Then they had to stall. 3/7

The bully boys at the top of the GOP are scared that they’ll get stopped just short of the Oval Office. They’ll not only lose. They’ll get charged, tried & sentenced. President Biden has authority by statutes and under the Constitution to protect this country. Also: 4/7

Electors were not created to be used in strategy, but to protect this country from someone who is incompetent, corrupt, or under the control of a foreign power. [FN2] Electors’ function has been destroyed by “winner-take-all” and other changes the Framers NEVER intended. 5/7

The Framers intended that a mechanism exist to protect us from a trump. Pres Biden must act on the nat’l emergency already declared, i.e., Russian interference in our elections, and prevent trump from taking office. Tell Pres Biden he must act, otherwise, WRSF. 6/7

FN1. Final Report of Special Counsel, January 5, 2025, p. 72.
FN2. The Federalist No. 68 (Alexander Hamilton). 7/7

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