Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Part II: An alternative to The Monon Bell "stag" on November 13 at Broad Ripple Tavern..

   Private colleges have more latitude, in some respects, than public universities. Race is not part of that latitude. Bob Jones University originally did not accept African-Americans for enrollment. In 1970 BJU softened that position. Black students were accepted for enrollment, but interracial dating was prohibited. Students guilty of such conduct could be expelled. Even membership in an organization that espoused a belief that interracial dating should be allowed subjected a student to expulsion. BJU was hit with a bill for back taxes over revocation of its tax-exempt status because of its racial discrimination. The case went to the United States Supreme Court where the school lost. Today Bob Jones University is open to members of any racial or ethnic group. Why any person would attend an institution of what is supposed to be higher education when that institution discriminates against people always has been a puzzle to me. BJU still teaches creationism as the foundation of life sciences. I would be feign to be treated by an M.D. whose B.S. was from BJU. If that person has been educated at an institution that rejects the most basic principles of modern life sciences, I question the person's understanding of the basics of the medical "arts."

   Wabash College's students all are male. I do not understand why post-secondary educational institutions are prohibited from racial discrimination, but may discriminate on the basis of gender. The rivalry between DePauw University (my alma mater) and Wabash is the oldest west of the Allegheny Mountains. There was an old, sexist tradition of an annual "stag," or all-male party, for alumni of DePauw and Wabash in the week before the Monon Bell Game. The "stag" was not held for about a dozen years. I would infer that reflected a general rejection of such sexism by alums of both schools. However, the tradition was revived. Tomorrow night is this year's "stag." When I received an e-mail invitation to this year's event, I was surprised a DePauw alumnus and a DePauw alumna had signed off on the e-mail invitation. I inquired whether this meant the "stag" now was co-ed. The reply said it did not. 

   While DePauw alumni and Wabash alumni have their "stag" at the Murat tomorrow, I would encourage those alumni and alumnae to meet for drinks and socializing at the Broad Ripple Tavern, at the corner of Broad Ripple and Carrollton. Drink responsibly. We should have graduates of our schools gather without discrimination based on gender. I will be there at about 5 o'clock. I will wear some DePauw garb.

   Our gathering is not sanctioned by either school.

   Saturday is the Monon Bell Game. We will stream "live" from Moore's Bar in Greencastle from 11 am to 1 pm.



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