Civil Discourse Now

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Or you can keep voting for idiots like Rokita

Indiana Atty General Todd Rokita is claiming victory in a case he did not “win.” An email from Rokita’s office claims he won “dismissal of a lawsuit challenging” Indiana’s law requiring drs, hospitals & abortion clinics to report 25 complications to the Dept of Health. 1/5

The order is a stipulation of dismissal “without prejudice”: i.e. it can be re-filed. At best for Rokita 1:18-cv-01219 is a “tie” at the end of the half w/control & degradation of women, not improved health care, the statute’s goal. Rokita’s claims that abortion is unsafe are false. 2/5

2012 study in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Legal induced abortion is 14 times safer than childbirth and overall morbidity associated with childbirth exceeds that with abortion. The latest numbers? In 2020, according to CDC, U.S. maternal mortality rate was 23.8 deaths/100k live births. 3/5

Legal induced abortions the rates were: 0.4 deaths/100k abortions, 2013 to 2018. CDC calculates death rates by 5 yr periods because of low number of women who die fr abortion Two women died fr legal induced abortions in 2018. Pew Research Ctr, 6/24/22. That’s “2" Todd. 4/5

To reduce number of abortions, adopt national health care, promote sex education & make contraceptives free & readily available. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun GOP nominee for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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Comment by pogden297 on August 31, 2022 at 6:51am

For people who consider pre-natal life to be "life," the abortion mortality rate is 100%.


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