Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

My response to photo of trump/woman: “Does Prep work for exposure to trump? And this isn't a matter of saying to her: ‘You could get an STD.’ She might expose others. And: trump doesn't use condoms or else he'd have marketed his own brand.” Brand? Possibly trump who 1/7

started undergrad at Fordham, 1964, just post-Pill, definitely pre-Roe & very pre-AIDS, hasn’t a clue what a condom is. In upper-middle-class sets like trump’s, bc was (& often still is) woman’s responsibility. trump’s old man could afford to pay for abortions. Early 1980s: 2/7

maybe trump was enticed by profits fr a pandemic that killed millions. (trump knew it wasn’t just a “gay” thing when his attorney, Roy Cohn, died of it & Cohn wasn’t homosexual, no way, no how.) The concept of a condom would have deflated trump’s hopes. The pitch? 3/7

“And the material expands & big letters would...” trump told somebody else to tell the guy “You’re fired.” Only the women in trump’s life (& certainly NOT Roy Cohn) would have known trump’s “boletus exaruit” extremity isn’t extreme. trump couldn’t have bought that “U”4/7

vowel nor could condom expand. (Again, no way was Roy Cohn a homosexual. Period.) One “record” trump cannot beat: a grotesque number of human beings (including w/a stretch of definition of “human being,” Roy Cohn). This is relevant to the City-County Council 5/7

primary. Forces w/allegiance only to trump & bizarre notions of white supremacy dominate a GOP founded to stop the spread of slavery, then slavery itself. Every single office must be contested. Control of the GOP must be contested My opponent adheres to a body of 6/7

beliefs some describe as Christo-fascism. I join w/that Citizens United and gerrymandering & the mechanisms the seek to use to take us back to a time that never was. I’m a candidate in the GOP primary for City-Council District 2. I approve of this message. Hell, I wrote it. 7/7.

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