Civil Discourse Now

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Gun makers don't want to see red ... ink. Any other red's okay

One reasonable restriction on guns is to limit the number of firearms one person may own. If a person has too many guns to keep track of or use, that would mean “bad people” can more easily get a gun. But gun manufacturers need markets in which to sell their gadgets of death. 1/5

Guns are durable & can last 100 years or more. Harvard public health researcher Deborah Azrael, who surveyed gun owners in 2016, says the annual attrition rate of guns in the about 1%. Gun makers need buyers. U.S. civilians hold an average of 120.5 guns/100 ppl, “the highest 2/5

rate in the world by a factor of more than two.” If guns last, then people need to be convinced to buy more guns. More guns means more gun violence & gun deaths. Gun manufacturers care: about sales. The only “red” to which gun makers are averse is on a balance sheet. If it’s from 3/5

exsanguination of elementary school children, gun makers will send thoughts & prayers. People who stoke the gun culture are partly to blame. If you oppose gun violence, a good first step: don’t own a gun. I’m still proud that a gun nut on Twitter said (about me) if elected I’ll "take your 4/5

guns away!" If elected I sure as hell will fight to limit guns, like they did in Dodge City & Tombstone. The “wild West” was not that wild. Neither should downtown Indy. I’m Mark Small: anti-gun GOP candidate City-County Distr 2. I approve of this message. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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