Civil Discourse Now

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"Mouthwash" pushes magaGOP talking points

You are being conditioned to believe our elections in November have been “rigged.” That makes people less likely to oppose a January 6-type coup, if they do not actually join the effort. Lies too ridiculous to believe are told. Via repetition, people believe the lies. 1/9

We make decisions, especially about politics, based on information from media. Fifty years ago those media were TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Obviously, internet has expanded the number of sources. Sources today include podcasts. That brings me to my topic. 2/9

For several years I’ve been an occasional guest and a weekly contributor of a two-minute spot, on John Schmitz’s FB podcast “Mouthwash.” That show provides a safe haven for anti-vaxxers, election deniers & many things conspiratorial. That was the show’s fan base. 3/9

In the past few weeks, matters have gone over the top. Perhaps it is because John Schmitz is the magaGOP nominee to run against Andre Carson for U.S. House, or maybe the ubiquitous vile Micah Beckwith has added pressure to embrace his idiotic right wing spirit. 4/9

John Schmitz believes Vice President Harris cannot speak in complete sentences; John Schmitz said Micah Beckwith “struck back.” Beckwith hasn’t “struck back” at me because he’s not faced me in a debate. That would be of little concern to me, but Beckwith wants power. 5/9

So I close, for now, with these points: 1) Beckwith favors a theocratic State such as Project 2025 would create. 2) Beckwith lies about our history & pushes a Jesus more akin to a WWE wrestler than a person who purportedly said “Love thy neighbor. 6/9

The best thing I can suggest is for people to vote straight ballot “blue.” I do not want people to draw conclusions from my presence on “Mouthwash” & have me be a virtual enabler. Also, view Beckwith as the face of magaGOP. That’s not inaccurate. 7/9

In an episode of M*A*S*H, frank Burns turns the camp upside-down to find out who stole $ from a guy in a poker game. After all, gambling was not allowed at the 4077th. Since the guy could not otherwise account for the $ he lost, it must have been stolen. 8/9

People conditioned to believe the magaGOP has such great numbers across the board, then the magaGOP must have been stolen. A vote for Braun is a vote for Beckwith, who should not be allowed near political power. #BrainsNotBraun And: follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 9/9

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