Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Maybe I'm the only true conservative in this race

On December 7 a group called the Indiana Conservative Alliance held what it billed as a Freedom Forum in which six of the candidates for the Republican Party nomination for the United States House of Representatives in Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District, were invited to appear and share their views.
The event was held at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Airport Hotel. On the Event Brite notice of the event, the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties is listed as also inviting folks to attend. The event was not held in the Fifth Congressional District.
I was not invited. I am a candidate for the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. The primary is May 5. Either the sponsors overlooked my name on Ballotpedia, had limited capacity on their Commodore 64 computers, or decided I did not meet the threshold of being a “conservative.”
Is a person required to be “conservative” to be “Republican”? Has one of the two parties Indiana law describes as “major” always been “conservative”? Can anyone define “conservative” in the context of politics?
If there is a requirement that a Republican be a “conservative,” it does not appear in Articles of Incorporation for the Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. (“Committee”), the corporate entity that registered the assumed business name Indiana Republican Party (“Party”), or the Articles for the Party. (They’re identical articles.)
By State Rules I am qualified as a GOP candidate in Indiana’s Fifth. I have lived in the same house for nearly 25 years. I’m a “Bona Fide Candidate”: I filed a declaration of candidacy. (Rule 1-12.) I am “Qualified Primary Republican.” (Rule 1-24.) I cast a Republican Party ballot in the municipal election primary this past May. I am a “Republican in Good-Standing” as there are no GOP “nominees” to date. I have not “actively or openly” supported any candidates. (Rule 1-25.) If one is required to be “conservative,” no such requirement is in the Rules or Articles. I have requested a copy of the bylaws - but have yet to receive a copy. I find it troublesome that a major political party operates like a closed corporation.
There seem to be issues held in common by my opponents: the first is a strong military. I hardly find this to be a “conservative” position. Isolationists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were conservatives. On the continuum between “zero” and “military around the World so much it’s like it’s on steroids” - where we are now - I’ll lean toward isolation.
Our military budget constitutes 37% of the World’s military budget. My opponents give lip service to reducing Federal deficit, yet want to add to a bloated Pentagon. This definitely is NOT conservative, to spend so mindlessly.
As I have mentioned several times in past blogs, our hyper-sized military makes us LESS secure. My GOP opponents are not conservative in this regard.
Another issue that resonates with my opponents is protection of the Second Amendment. Their interpretation of that Amendment is very recent. I also believe that, since the NRA has been funded by Russia, we need to examine the NRA & policies it advocates as an attempt at foreign intervention.
Unless you’re in law enforcement, in the military, are a licensed body guard, are a collector, or you hunt, you have no business w/a firearm. Hunters? Should go through testing & be able to keep a long rifle & be under close watch.
Free access to guns sews discord: something Putin wants here in the United States. I hardly would characterize as “conservative” my opponents who, unwittingly, want to adhere to the tenets of a hostile foreign power. My GOP opponents are not conservative in this regard.
Concern has been expressed about cumbersome government “regulations” - so many times this concern focuses on the EPA. A Republican President - Richard Nixon - supported creation of the EPA during his Administration. Teddy Roosevelt - a Republican - helped create many protections of our environment, as well as the National Parks Service. Obviously I do not believe my GOP opponents are conservatives on this matter.
I have written on other issues and will continue to do so. A Russian asset occupies the Oval Office and we need people in Congress to act against that Russian asset.
As I tweeted yesterday, people are fed up with one party being stupid and bigoted and the other being reticent - to say it politely - about taking certain stands. Lots of people in Indiana’s 5th are socially progressive and fiscally conservative. I’m talking to you.
I’m a candidate for the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. The primary is May 5. Let’s have a party then. I’ll post more about issues & my stands. Until then, let’s hope for the best.

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Comment by Mark Small on December 31, 2019 at 9:48pm

In reverse order: 1) I'm sure there is not a single politician in Congress who has this position and 2)(a) What kind of crimes? Carmel has white-collar crimes. I don't go there during the daytime - I only feel safe there at night and 2)(b) People are less safe w/handguns. They might have a false sense of insecurity, but it is false. People break IN to homes to steal handguns. 

Comment by pogden297 on December 31, 2019 at 8:05pm

So you do not think law-abiding people who live crime-riddled neighborhood should be allowed to have a gun in their homes to defend themselves and their families?  I'm not sure there is a single politician in Congress who has that position.


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