Civil Discourse Now

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MAGA fans of Putin & 1930s "America First" fans

trump calls Putin invading Ukraine brilliant/something we should do to Mexico. So trump is callous to mass death, wants conquest for its own sake, ignores how Russia’s economy will be crippled & would have us reviled by rest of the World. 1/

Groups of Americans cheered 4 dictators B4. Example: 2/20/39 the German-American Bund (“GAB”) held rally in Madison Square Garden w/ > 20K present. Few months later Germany invaded Poland & WWII started. Support for GAB collapsed. 2/

GAB’s leader was convicted of embezzlement of its & sentenced to Sing Sing. Within 1 yr every GAB leader was interned or jailed. The rest of the 20K carried on. America First Committee was founded in 1940 to support American isolation & Nazi appeasement. 3/

“America First” was a rallying cry for authoritarian racists in the 1930s & is a rallying cry of MAGA today. MAGA should be called out for what it is. This is a part of our history that kids need to learn. Adults would do well to read up on it. 4/

We have to take ½ of our 2-party system back from racists. I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts, anti-gun & anti-trump. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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