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GOP corporate entity needs to be changed to be accountable to voters

Not long ago, each of the two major political parties (“Big 2") had liberal & conservative wings. The GOP in 1964 began to shed its liberals so it could grab the Dems’ “solid South”: States that went “D” since the Civil War because Dems had opposed the GOP’s Reconstruction. 1/6

Racism isn’t ancient, but contemporary, history. And the GOP has structured itself as a corporate entity under control of right wing elements that must be dislodged. This is important in States like Indiana where the Big 2 wrote election laws that benefitted the Big 2. 2/6

“(1) with respect to the state, either of the two (2) parties whose nominees received the highest and second highest numbers of votes statewide for secretary of state in the last election;” I.C. § 3-5-2-30. Big 2 get seats on election boards, automatic placement on ballot. 3/6

Problem: if “3rd” party gets votes sufficient, one of the Big 2 it bumps might not B GOP. Plus: GOP is not subject to control of the voters or even of a majority of GOP members. The “State Committee is the supreme party authority in this state...” (State Rule 1-1.) “Supreme”? 4/6

Rules can B amended only by majority of Committee. (State Rule 1-3.) Indiana GOP was incorp’d by Terre Haute atty James Bopp, Jr. (who also represented Citizens United & NC Rep Madison Cawthorn). Indiana’s laws on corporate entities need 2 B changed. 5/6

Political parties should not be able to insulate themselves fr control by voters. We have to restore GOP to a form subj 2 voter control. I’m Mark Small, pro environment, pro-choice, anti-trump GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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