Government is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Those who enforce the law are supposed to obey the law.
Past administrations were criticized for nepotism; e.g., President Kennedy in his selection of his brother, Robert, as Attorney General. RFK had a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, a J.D. from University of Virginia, was counsel for committees in Congress, and went after and Successfully prosecuted organized crime figures.
Few Americans had heard of “Jared Kushner” before Trump’s campaign for President, won (in the Electoral College, but not at the polls) with significant aid from Vladimir Putin. Trump decorated the White House with faux gold trappings. Kushner is Trump’s “go to” guy, especially to “go to” Russians for assistance.
In high school and college, Kushner worked for his father, a real estate developer later prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to 2 years by then-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie for tax evasion, illegal campaign donations, and witness tampering. .
In applying for security clearance, Kushner overlooked (a/k/a “lied about”) over 100 contacts had with foreign interests. One was a June 2016, meeting in Trump Tower with Russians who offered “dirt” about Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Another was in December, 2016, when Kushner suggested Russian officials create a “back channel” via the Russian embassy to communicate..
Kushner also failed to disclose he owes over one billion dollars in loans.
Yesterday, a written statement Kushner delivered outside the White House to clarify he had not colluded with Russia, was described as a rare instance of Kushner speaking in public. This might mean little, unless one looks at the responsibilities Kushner, as son-in-law-in-chief, has been tasked.
He leads a White House Office of American Innovation, has met with legislative leaders to seek criminal justice reform, flew to the Middle East to talk to leaders in Israel and in Palestine to re-start peace talks, Kushner is elected to no post. .
Kushner should be investigated. To “collude” is “to act together through a secret understanding.” “Collusion” is defined as “secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose; conspiracy.” Kushner denied he or anyone in Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia. Prudence would indicate we doubt this self-serving statement.
The American public did not elect Jared Kushner to anything.
I am counsel in Bailey, et al. v. U.S., et al., U.S. Supreme Court docket 16-1464 where Petitioners seek: (1) appointment of a Special Master to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 elections; and (2) if interference affected the outcome of the election, an order that declares the results of the 2016 election void ab initio and would place matters as though the election had not taken place.
Trump officials have said his family members are not subject to laws that limit nepotism (hiring family members) as Trump’s family are not paid by Government.
Amongst other lessons I have learned in life is “cheap” usually is expensive, and “free” is most costly of all.
The American people need an independent investigation of Trump and Trump campaign ties to Russia. If you agree with what I have written here, let others know about the case. “Share” these blogs with three people on Facebook and ask each of those people to share the blog with three other people.
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