Civil Discourse Now

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If pro sports franchise receives public subsidies, taxpayers shouldn't have to pay to watch its televised games

High % of ppl from all sides agree: pro sports receive too much $ in subsidies. Indy has Colts, Pacers, Indy 11 & The Indy 500. We shouldn’t subsidize billionaires’ hobbies, but that train has sailed (or the ship departed the station). However, taxpayers of any jurisdiction that...1/4

pays public $$$ to subsidize a sport shouldn’t have to pay a 2nd time to watch that specific sport on TV. Example: Colts either be on a regular network or The Colts pay for people to have free service (yes, ESPN) to see the game. This is not a request for a “gift” to viewers. 2/4

We already paid via taxes. If elected I shall introduce a bill to require what I just described. Pro sports can opt out by not asking for more tax $$$. Our potholes, crime & illiteracy R greater problems than billionaires’ salary caps. We’re still paying for The Hoosier Dome. 3/4

We shouldn’t have to pay more to watch games when we pay owners so much. And I’m a sports fan. I’m Mark Small, pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-trump GOP candidate 4 Ind House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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