Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

I won the primary. Now: let's change Indiana's corporate laws

Results of yesterday’s primary, IN House Distr 86: I’m GOP nominee for Nov 8’s gen’l election. Last Saturday, Washington Twp GOP held a Lincoln Day brunch, attended by a cpl of hundred. A person said to me he was “involved” because of where the country is headed. 1/6

Me: That’s why I’m running. Him: I voted Pres trump in ‘16 & ‘20. Me: trump’s a sociopathic thief. [pause] Him: Well, I agree w/his policies. Me: “He doesn’t have any policies.” We can’t let a minority of the far right control the GOP, 1 of 2 “major” political parties. 2/6

Gutting Roe v Wade has been the years-long goal of Terre Haute attorney James Bopp. The IN GOP is a NFP corporation. Its incorporator in 2005 was Mr Bopp, who also was counsel in the Citizens United (yes, that Citizens United) case, at the district court level. 3/6

To the consternation of Sen Susan “Give Me a Second to Find a Spine” Collins, 3 SCOTUS Justices were (to be charitable) less than candid during confirmation hearings when each sd Roe v Wade is settled law. We need to re-write Indiana’s law on NFP’s as to pol parties. 4/6

IN GOP’s “State Committee is the supreme party authority in this state...” (State Rule 1-1.) Only by majority vote of State Comm can rules be amended. (State Rule 1-3.) The far right took over GOP, wrote rules so no one else could do the same & runs things via a minority. 5/6

The Framers opposed political parties. Parties shouldn’t be able to insulate themselves fr control by voters. We need to change State laws. I’m Mark Small, pro environment, pro-choice GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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