Caller asked about my views as a candidate as she’d not seen mat’ls from my campaign. I sd I’m GOP, pro-choice, anti-gun, pro environment & don’t believe $ should be dynamic of campaigns. She then said she works in education & is sick of CRT (Critical Race Theory). I asked 1/5
her what pub school mat’ls she’s seen that teach CRT since CRT’s a grad school theory. She said CRT was “implicit,” that children are divided in classrooms, white kids taught to feel guilt over their mat’l advantages. I said we have to teach history & that means teach about slavery. 2/5
Me: Constitution protected slavery until 1865. Her: Who controlled the country? Me: White male landowners. Her: “No. Democrats ran it” My other phone rang. Her: “I heard all I need to hear.” I think she’s right. Whatever the reason for her call, she’s clueless. Let’s talk history. Dems? 3/5
Framers of The Constitution argyued against “factions,” i.e., parties. The Federalist Party (Geo W) was the 1st. Jefferson’s Republican Party was the 2nd. Federalists kinda faded & the Whigs came in. Republicans became Democratic Republicans. By the Civil War there were 2 Ds. 4/5
History isn’t as simple as racists, such as my clueless caller today, believe it to be. We can’t let them dictate their simplistic views to schools. I’m Mark Small: GOP, pro-choice, anti-gun, pro environment candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5
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