Civil Discourse Now

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Has Todd Young earned his NRA pay by voting against studies of gun violence?

Sen Todd Young (R-IN), by 2019, got nearly $3 mil & A+ grade from the NRA. If guns are more likely to harm, than prevent harm to, gun owners, some people won’t own guns. CDC studies can help us know guns’ deterrent effects. CDC is blocked, by Congress, from those studies. 1/4

NRA pays for what it gets. Of course, as individuals we can take first steps against gun violence by not owning guns. The “good guy w/a gun” is what stops a “bad guy with a gun” has been, this week, show to be crap. A) Uvalde: cops w/guns stayed outside the school during shootings. 2/4

B) NRA convention this weekend in Houston. Guns will not be allowed when trump speaks. If guns make us safe, a room of 2A advocates is safer than a Texas grade school. Guns magnify violence + > 1/2 of U.S. gun deaths are suicides. Did Young vote against CDC studies? 3/4

I oppose gun violence. I don’t own and never have owned a gun. I’m Mark Small, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts, pro-voting rights, anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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