Civil Discourse Now

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To Indiana Sen Todd Young: about that (nearly) $3 mil from the NRA...

To: Sen.Todd Young. Did you accept almost three million dollars ($2,897,582) from the NRA? That was the number in a 2019 report of the Brady Campaign. Did you return any of that money? Was that the total you received from the NRA since taking office in the Senate to 2019? 1/4

That’s about a million bucks a year. A Senator makes a Hundred Seventy-four Thousand Dollars ($174,000). What does a Senator do to earn money at a rate over five times the pay from the U.S. public? Have you received any NRA money since 2019? Well, not exactly “NRA” money. 2/4

Perhaps you are unaware but in April, 2018, the NRA admitted it received money from Russian individuals. How quickly do you take a call from someone with the NRA? What is the going rate for a “thought” or a “prayer” from a U.S. Senator to survivors of a mass shooting? 3/4

But maybe you gave back that NRA money & didn’t accept more. Yeah, like I believe in the Easter bunny. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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