Civil Discourse Now

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GOP Indiana chair Hupfer's weekly email & its absurdities

Titled “Stark Contrasts,” Indiana GOP chair Kyle Hupfer’s weekly email says President Biden’s speech was “another stark reminder of the differences between Indiana and Washington DC.” He did not mean that Hoosiers have full representation in Congress unlike citizens in D.C.

First absurdity: economics. Mr Hupfer is alarmed by “reckless spending” by President Biden and “his handlers.” A person who supported the immediate past administration and its absurd economic “policies” is not in a position to criticize “reckless spending.”

Second absurdity: COVID response in Indiana. Mr Hupfer praises Governor Holcomb’s work in the pandemic. On March 24, 2020, Governor Holcomb issued a stay-at-home order and on May 1 a gradual re-opening was announced. Problem? That comes with...

Third absurdity: “recently completed legislative session was ...transformational ... thanks to Gov Holcomb and Republican legislative leaders.” A reasonable inference is this transformation was a product of cooperation between the Governor and GOP legislative leaders.

Not mentioned is the Governor’s lawsuit against the General Assembly, each chamber of which is under a GOP super-majority. Governor Holcomb had to invoke emergency powers. The GOP leaders in the General Assembly thought he over-reacted and over-reached.

Fourth absurdity: language and labels. Mr Hupfer uses the word “handlers” twice in reference to our President. In contrast, trump had only one “handler,” but that he did not speak English, so Mr Hupfer might have been kept out of the loop.

Mr Hupfer contrasts “reality, data-driven leadership and fantasyland politics.” Unfortunately Mr Hupfer reverses what should be proper application of the two clauses. Since January 20 we have seen “reality, data-driven leadership.” Before that?

Faux gold fantasies, in all their bad taste, played out in the White House, from 1/20/17 -/20/21. I disagree with many of Governor Holcomb’s policies, but had the GOP in the General Assembly been in control, they would have racked up trump-like death figures from COVID.

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Comment by pogden297 on May 1, 2021 at 11:27am

"Fourth absurdity: language and labels. Mr Hupfer uses the word “handlers” twice in reference to our President. In contrast, trump had only one “handler,” but that he did not speak English, so Mr Hupfer might have been kept out of the loop."

You're referring to Putin.  This is the Internet.  You can't assume people will figure stuff like that out.  It's like using sarcasm.  You generally have to point it out that something is sarcasm or they'll take it literally.


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