Civil Discourse Now

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Abortion, theocracy & existence of supreme deity

There are basic truths about abortion. If you believe there should be fewer abortions, you favor free and ready availability of contraceptives and sex education, as studies show that is the best approach to avoid unwanted pregnancies. After all, people will have sex.

If leaders of your specific sect of religion say (1) contraceptives & sex education violate laws of the god you worship and (2) our government must obey that god’s laws, then you must prove: (a) our government is a theocracy; (b) your god needs help; and (c) your god exists.

Answers: (a) clearly is “no.” (b), if there is a being (the American people embrace many faiths, or doubt or deny the existence of a supreme deity; that’s why I use a lower case “g”) so powerful as to have created the cosmos, that being shouldn’t need a government to further its will.

On (c): people can believe as they wish. If they insist their deity is an unseen head of State, they bear a burden to prove that deity exists; faith is defined by Oxford Languages: “strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.”

A minority, even among Christians, delights in the angry Old Testament deity. There was time in Western history when that deity ruled countries via theocracies. That period was called The Dark Ages. One last comment: if you oppose abortion, don’t get one.

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Comment by pogden297 on May 2, 2021 at 11:41pm

In your post, you completely ignore the SCIENCE of pre-natal life.  There are plenty of people who oppose abortion because of MEDICAL SCIENCE and that opposition has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.  Yet your post is entirely about religion.

Re/the birth control argument, it's funny how liberals think outlawing drug use is silly b/c anyone can get their hands on drugs, but those same people for some reason can't seem to find a condom (which are available in many public restrooms) or gain access to the Pill.  Of course back in the real world many of those pregnancies are not b/c of a lack of access to birth control but in fact the decision to not use birth control and instead get pregnant l is deliberate.

I always ask those who support abortion rights to tell me what point in the pregnancy that they think abortion should be outlawed.  Most answer around 3 months.  But Roe v. Wade allows abortion on demand for 6 months of pregnancy and into final trimester (per Doe v. Bolton) if the woman's physical or mental health is jeopardized.  

Roe v. Wade represents a public policy decision about where to draw the line, a policy decision not based on law


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