Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Far right uses guns to instill tyranny of fear

No one said 15% controls the USA. In 1776 the Virginia Declaration of Rights sd majority rule is “an indubitable, unalienable and indefeasible right.” Even those who beat a deceased canine & say trump won in 2020 say he got more votes. Then I heard G. Edward Griffin. 1/5

Griffin started Red Pill Expo, described by a human rights advocate as a vehicle for alt-right recruitment. The Expo visits Indy July 9 & 10. Griffin was a guest on John Schmitz’s podcast “Mouthwash,” on July 5. Griffin has called for the (far) right to seize power now. 2/5

On Tuesday he said a “war” is being fought. He & his confederates need 15% of people in this country to prevail. In all likelihood there will not be an emphasis on diversity at the Red Pill Expo. Of 18 speakers (including Griffin) listed w/photos, nearly all are white. 3/5

Griffin likes the 2nd Amendment, which is being used by Griffin, et al., not to fight tyranny, but to establish it. Fear is a tyranny over schools, kids & teachers. People on the far right they’re not at fault for the killings. But they encourage more guns & block gun control. 4/5

We can out-vote Griffin’s 15%. Hoosiers voted out the KKK in the 1920s. Red Pill people just don’t wear those sheets. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro-separation of church & State, anti-gun GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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