Civil Discourse Now

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Discrimination at Indiana Supreme Court & no coverage by local media: Prof Sheila Kennedy is right

Prof Sheila Kennedy regularly blogs, in dismay, about the decline of local journalism & its impact on our lives. This week’s debacle at the Indiana Supreme Court is an example. Oral argument was held Thurs, 01/19 in Mem Med Lic Bd., et al v Pl Parenthood, 22S-PL-338. 1/5

Two Indiana trial court judges had held IN’s “near-total ban” of abortions is unconstitutional. Of many ppl who wanted to watch were those who support women’s rights & wear green to show that support. But Thursday anyone w/green was refused entry unless green was removed. 2/5

Court staff explained, at the door to the chambers, that this was to show the court is unbiased, yet ppl who believe gov’t should compel women to go to term w/a pregnancy, who wear blue, were allowed entry. I’ve yet to read anyone else report this action of discrimination & bias. 3/5

After I blogged Friday, a person on Twitter said “This seems like a pretty big issue to me.” It’s a very big damn issue. The majority of Hoosiers support Roe v Wade. SurveyUSA 2020, 58 to 27.
But when what passes for the local press ignores this suppression, the suppression goes on. 4/5

If you read this and agree people should be aware of what occurred, please forward this blog or these tweets to your friends & loved ones. Lincoln said, “Let the people know the facts and the country will be safe.” That’s as true today as 160 years ago. 5/5

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