Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

8 p.m. tonight Jan 22: guests will describe what happened Thursday

At 8 pm this 22nd day of January, I shall interview two women who were at the Indiana Supreme Court this past Thursday for oral argument in Med Lic Bd v Planned Parenthood, 22S-PL-338, in which the constitutionality of IN’s “near-total” abortion ban was argued. 1/3

Monique Rust is an artist and long-time activist in Indianapolis. Kim Saylor also has long been active for peoples’ rights in Indy. They will describe how ppl who wanted to watch who wore green to support women’s rights were refused entry unless green was removed. But people 2/3

who wore blue, and who favor fetuses over living human beings, were allowed entry. There is a separation between church and State. There also is freedom of speech and equal protection of the law and equal privileges & immunities. We’ll stream live in about 40 minutes. 3/3

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