Civil Discourse Now

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People wearing green were denied entry to IN's Supreme Court to show the Court isn't biased (as opponents wearing blue walked right in)...

A jacket w/”F*** the Draft” printed on it is protected speech in a courtroom. Cohen v California, 403 U.S. 15, 19 (1971). 1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law () abridging () freedom of speech” Art. I sec 9 of Indiana’s Const’n also protects free speech. Oral argument was held 1/4

at the Indiana Supreme Court Thursday in Members of Med Lic Bd., et al v Planned Parenthood, et al, 22S-PL-338. The issue: whether IN’s “near-total ban” of abortions is constitutional. Those who support women’s reproductive rights have chosen to wear green, but anyone with green 2/4

was refused entry unless the green was removed, ostensibly to show the court is unbiased. BUT: people on the other side of the issue, who have chosen blue, were allowed entry. So we add a side of unequal protection to the main dish of oppression. A friend suggested > ppl wear blue 3/4

than wear green, as a common matter. However: 1) That still is wrong and 2) doesn’t explain how people who wore green w/o any political statement were refused entry. If people in green instead had opted for “F*** oppression of abortion rights,” they might’ve been okay. 4/4

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