Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Civil war is not an answer to anything

Former POTUS posted statements that favor a civil war. No GOP voices raised yet to drown out his idiocy. Points about the Civil War, 1861-65. 1) States that tried to secede lost; 2) About 620K ppl died; 3) Keeping slavery was a reason given (by a minority), but also the main cause. 1/4

The GOP has crafted a machine to enforce the views of a minority (e.g., gun control & majority of us say leave Roe v Wade alone) through a stranglehold GOP has on gov’t. The GOP wants more: a theocracy. Sen Barry Goldwater said “ these people frighten me. Politics &... 2/4

governing demand compromise. () these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise.” Large corporations & monied interests want to scare us so we give up our democratic system. They want autocracy & will use violence to get it. 3/4

If someone gives credibility to this lunacy, talk with that person Some will listen. I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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Comment by pogden297 on May 23, 2022 at 4:23pm

However, the majority of people do not support second trimester abortions which are specifically protected by Roe v. Wade.   What do you want to guess that about 99% of the people who say they support Roe v. Wade don't actually know the holding of Roe v. Wade?


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