Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Not content w/censorship in schools, they now sue book stores!

Freedoms of speech & press are essential to a country that claims to be the “Land of the Free.” In the minds of (some?) evangelicals, free speech takes a back seat to what? “God” might be in the drivers seat of their jalopy. In Virginia Beach it wasn’t enough that schools banned a book. 1/6

“Gender Queer” offends these people so much they sued Barnes & Noble to restrict its sales. The LGBT Life Center in Norfolk (careful how you pronounce that 2nd syllable!) Stated: “Growing up as a young person that identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community can be incredibly. 2/6

challenging and isolating. Queer kids need queer books and queer spaces - where they can live as their authentic and true selves. Representation matters.” Tommy Altman is a GOP candidate for US House & a graduate of Pat Robertson’s Regent University. He’s sued to ban books. 3/6

Altman should be careful. One book depicts fornicatin’ & smut & be-gattin’. Self-hatred is the dynamic of Calvinists: who aren’t content to twist their own minds. They force their self-hatred on others. LGBTQ kids are targets & at greater risk of depression & what it brings. 4/6

These kids aren’t bad or wrong or evil. In the 21st Century our broader society accepts these kids more than we accept Calvinists. There was a time when rigid religious beliefs ruled the “known” world. It was called The Dark Ages. Bookstores report sales are up for “Gender Queer.” 5/6

When Mark Twain was told the New York Public Library banned “Huckleberry Finn,” he said it would be good for sales. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro-separation of church & State, GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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