Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

ABC/PAC: anti-union construction group & I am pro-union

Political Action Committees (PACs) send mail to candidates for public office. ABC/PAC (its logo in red, white & blue), made of “400 businesses in the construction industry across Indiana” sent a questionnaire of five (5) compound questions that could be a bit confusing. 1/5

ABC/PAC opposes labor unions and calls non-union contractors “merit construction companies.” Labor unions is subject to the same imperfections as any human endeavor, but without unions we would not have workplace safety, the 40-hour work week or laws limiting child labor. 2/5

Also labor unions, esp in construction trades, train via apprenticeships. Union contractors call the union hall 4 people & get them on a job site. ABC/PAC says Responsible Builder Ordinances (RBOs) “benefit union companies that don’t provide competitive pricing. 3/5

for projects and have little regard for Hoosier taxpayers.” Union workers ARE Hoosier taxpayers. The money those workers earn goes into our communities. We need to bring unions back to their former places of prominence. Unions need to be more inclusive. 4/5

I’m Mark Small & pro-union, pro-civil rights, pro-voting rights, pro-choice, anti-gun, pro-ERA, pro-environment & the GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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Comment by pogden297 on March 2, 2022 at 7:40am

Good to see you're taking a stand for MLB players.  They have it so hard.


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