Civil Discourse Now

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Women and equality in the workplace and the economy: August 17 Show from jean marie's shop, 1134 E. 54th.

   Fifty years ago, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed into law by that most ardent lover of women---sarcasm---President John F. Kennedy. As he said, the Act was meant to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job."  That was the age in which "Mad Men" is placed; an age in which white males were expected to have leadership roles. For everyone else, the notion that "any person born in the United States one day could  grow up to become president" was so much bunk. Women, in many places and families, were discouraged from going to college---unless she wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. One misogynistic (and idiot) of our teachers often said women go to college to "receive an Mrs degree."

   Then the feminism movement hit. Women on TV were portrayed in dominant family roles ("Julia," "Good Times,"), women's issues were openly addressed ("All in the Family" and "Maude"), and a woman even could be sung to "have your own cigarette now, baby, you've come a long ways."

   Unfortunately, despite female students' academic test scores, overall and as a general matter, being superior to those of their male counterparts, and despite that 1963 Federal legislation, pay lagged. I know one man whose eight years of ineptitude did little to advance women's rights---Ronald Raygun-zap. 

   A recent study by the National Partnership for Women and Families found that women, in 2012, were paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. "Women and Equal Pay: Wage Gap Still Intact, Study Shows.," Huff Post, 04/09/13.

   A few matters to note. First, the source of the study. At DSR-TKA Nationals, we debated a team from Vanderbilt. Part of the argument related to rights of disposed people. Vandy's debaters said we only quoted "blacks, Indians and other radicals." This is a study by the National Partnership for Women and Families. Please spare me any ad hominem attacks. The folks there analyzed U.S. Census Bureau data. If someone wants to attack the study, do so on the basis of its methodology. Second, one could say the differences have more to do with levels of education and types of jobs sought by women. Er---exactly. Women are equally capable (superior generally), in school, of scores, grades, etc. Most do not "choose" to take a pass on further education. Pressures from family, the expense now posed by a college education, and other factors feed into the mix.

   Then there is the arrival in the work place.

   This Saturday we will stream "live" from jeammarie's shop and eastern conservation services (I spelled those lower case because that is how I received them in an e-mail; if those spellings are inaccurate, blame the Big Kahuna) located at 1134 East 54th Street---basically across the street from Mama Carolla's (and he spelled east 54th street and mama carolla's in lower-case as well). We stream from 11 am to 1 pm.

   Our guests will be:

   Ann Craig-Cinnamon. She is a broadcast professional with thirty years of experience in both radio (WIFE, WNAP, WENS) and television. For most of her career, she served as the host of popular high profile morning radio shows. I believe she was the first major female radio personality on Indy local radio. She also has been a TV anchor/reporter and the News Director of a statewwide radio network.  Ann and her husband John currently are the publishers of an Indianapolis-area magazine and she writes for several other publications.

   Donna Edmond has a Masters in Theater from Georgia State University. She is a co-developer of 3-D Virtual Theater Design software. She is on faculty with the Wheeler Art Center at the University of Indianapolis and in Administration/Management at Ivy Tech-Lafayette.

   Author-illustrator Kimann Schultz resides in Indianapolis with her husband and daughter and also is the mother of two adult sons. She "writes with pictures and draws with words." She graduated from IU with a degree in Art History. She received fashion illustration training in New York City at Parsons and FIT. With that training, and her architectural entourage illustration education she received during her 11 years with an Indianapolis-area firm, she has produced countless bridal and architectural portraits on commission, as well as numerous literary illustrations. A self-described "Pollyanna Polemic," Kimann is the author of a full-length novel, a pop-sociological commentary, numerous short stories, fairy tales and a collection of poems and lyric poetry entitled "Rugs on Puddles, Coats Over Oceans," available on Amazon and at iBooks. Her essay, "Do What You Have to Do," was featured in the 2012 release, "This I believe: On Motherhood." You may visit her site at      

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