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With Manafort on the team, Russia has an "in" once more

Russia still has a hand in our elections. Paul Manafort chaired the GOP presidential campaign in 2016. He later admitted he lied to investigators & under oath “about his contact with a Russian associate during the 2016 campaign.” [FN1] Manafort was pardoned by trump. 1/5

Some of the information was “internal polling data” and was shared with Konstantin Kilimnik, a “Russian and Ukrainian political consultant” and that “Russia could have exploited such inside information to target influence campaigns aimed at boosting” trump in 2016. [FN2] 2/5

This is news because Manafort is “in discussions” with trump’s campaign team “to potentially help with” the GOP convention in Milwaukee. [FN3] We can watch in real time as Russia, once more, works to install its stooge in The Oval Office. Actually, we saw that in 2016. 3/5

Given the “bloodbath” comment last weekend, trump might need information on how to do a “bloodbath.” Maybe Manafort can get tips from Putin’s former comrades in the KGB. He might want to call someone else. Putin’s specialty is defenestration. 4/5

FN1. “Manafort sentenced to additional 43 months in prison,” ABA Journal, 3/2019.
FN2. Tucker, Eric, “US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016,” AP News, 4/16/21.
FN3. Holmes, Kristen and Jack Forrest, “Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is in discussions to help with reelection effort,” CNN Politics, 3/18/24. 5/5

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