Civil Discourse Now

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What we can expect as a result of the "pro-life" overturning of Roe: deaths.

Evangelicals, et al, are poised to get what they’ve wanted: overturn Roe v Wade. Politico has noted: According to Paul Weyrich, conservative activist & architect of the Religious Right, the movement’s initial focus was segregation They were for it) in the 1970s. As noted 1/6

in Roe, abortion has been common & accepted throughout history, by Christians and, strongly, by Judaism. 410 U.S. 129-30. Evangelicals no longer could advocate overtly for racism, so they shifted to abortion. What we can expect in a post-Roe America is clear, for example: 2/6

1) In approximately 18 yrs there will be a significant rise in violent crime. From 1991 to 2014, violent & property crime rates each fell by 50% Donohue and Levitt (2001). Males around age 18, especially from impoverished homes, commit a disproportionate % of violent crimes. 3/6

2) A lot more women will die from botched procedures in their efforts to obtain abortions. 3) The rich will be able to obtain safe abortions, as always has been the case. This issue is not about the “sanctity of life.” It’s a distraction from racism and carrying out a misogynist agenda. 4/6

Doctors who perform abortions have been murdered by pro-lifers; 1st year med students often receive letters threatening harm if they choose to study abortion. But it’s a procedure & medical decision to be made by a woman. Going to term w/a baby is dangerous & expensive. 5/6

But hey: That was Eve’s punishment in the Garden. Actually there was no “Garden.” I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-science, pro-separation of church & State, anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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