Civil Discourse Now

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We need poll workers & not guns at the polls

I worked the polls in 2006. The work was not pleasant. We had to be there from before the polls opened to after the polls closed. There was no question the voting was consistent with the law. A paper record was created after the electronic vote was cast. Both “major” parties had reps. 1/3

Poll workers from Georgia did their jobs & were doxed & terrorized to regret working the polls. Pres Biden didn’t win by fraud. The only fraud was for #45. Otoh, in 2016 trump got the Oval Office via fraud & help from a hostile foreign power. We have to work the polls. 2/3

We also cannot allow guns at the polls, like the KKK did in the 1920s. I’m Mark Small: pro-voting rights, pro-legalization of drugs, pro-choice, pro-civil rts GOP candidate, Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 3/3

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