Civil Discourse Now

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Tonight's Show at 7: Russia's 2016 cyber invasion of the U.S. & our elections in 2022 & 2024

In 2016 the U.S. was invaded & our intelligence agencies determined Russia’s President “Putin ordered an influence campaign” aimed at our pres’l election.’” 22 U.S.C. § 9501(6). Cyber invasions are real. Putin’s goals? “to undermine public faith” in U.S. democratic 1/6

process, denigrate Sec’y Clinton & harm her electability/potential presidency. Putin had “clear preference for” trump. ICA 2017-01D, Jan. 6, 2017. In 1787, protections created in Constitution included use of electors to select the “Chief Magistrate,” a bicameral legislature & 2/6

SCOTUS w/lifetime appointees. Framers knew base impulses but didn’t foresee ink & quill’s give way to computers. They knew foreign powers might try to control selection of the “Chief Magistrate.” Madison wrote: “The ministers of foreign powers would have and make use 3/6

of the opportunity to mix their intrigues and influence with the Election” The AntiFederalist Papers, Signet, 1986, p. 120. In 2017 , two original actions were filed w/SCOTUS & sought to nullify 2016 POTUS election, because of cyber invasion that viol’d Art. IV, § 4 4/6

& treason. I was counsel in those cases. Julie Oxenberg and Kirstin Elaine Martin R 2 of the women fr Gloucester MA w/whom I worked on the cases & will be my guests at 7 tonight on Civil Discourse Now, on Chateau de Mars Hill FB network. We’ll discuss 5/6

Putin/Russia’s ongoing efforts to destabilize U.S. elections & 2022/2024. We have to secure elections fr foreign pwrs. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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