Civil Discourse Now

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Sen Mike Braun (R-IN) has incited CRT & should keep his mouth shut about Lincoln

Today’s email from Sen Mike Braun (R-IN) is puke-worthy. After all, last year Braun smirked in an interview & sd States should be allowed to ban interracial marriage. In Loving v Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, SCOTUS held such statutes unconstitutional. Today Braun reflected on: 1/6

“Abraham Lincoln’s birthday” & “what leadership means to me.” He notes Lincoln “spent most of his boyhood in Indiana” & trailblazed a “path to promise for ... every boy and girl who dreams of something bigger than themselves.... [Lincoln’s] countenance and character were only 2/6

matched by his fervent conviction in pursuit of life and liberty… FOR ALL” Perhaps Braun sees a theme park in southern Indiana where kids (whites in this line, Blacks in that) can see Lincoln’s dreams re-enacted in battles, like Antietam, where blood flowed: the price paid because 3/6

slavery was protected by The Constitution. Kids can read Chief Justice Taney’s opinion in Dred Scott v Sanford, 60 U.S. 393, 404-05 (1856) that Blacks are “beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations;... 4/6

and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect;...” Whether Braun is ignorant, or a fan, of Dred Scott, he should keep his mouth shut about “dreams” and “life and liberty” for all, esp if Braun puts “FOR ALL” in caps. Braun just incited some... 5/6

CRT: recalling puke-worthy times when individual States were “free” to say color of skin could be a bar to marriage. I’m Mark Small: pro-civil rts GOP candidate for City-County Council District 2. I approve of this message. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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