Civil Discourse Now

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"Santorum" is frothy & ignorant about our history

Rick Santorum is ignorant about many things. We can include pre-Columbian history. His April 23 assertion to a right wing youth group that “We came here and created a blank slate, we birthed a nation from nothing” is not true. I doubt he has read “1491” by Charles C. Mann.

Mann describes the extent and history of civilization in “The New World.” By 1621 “Europeans had been visiting New England for at least a century.” (p. 35.) Indigenous peoples saw Europeans as “often unbearably dirty.” (Id.) God barred European inroads for nearly 100 years?

To call indigenous peoples “Indians” continues European ignorance: Columbus sailed around the World and arrived in India. Unfortunately Santorum is partly correct to say "there isn't much Native American culture in American culture." They were slaughtered via genocide.

The predominantly white, rightwing evangelical sect is repugnant to many, including Christians. Its adherents advocate authoritarianism yet usually deny their pursuit of theocracy. Government as they would have it is based on their primitive Old Testament (“OT”) deity.

Religions existed here for thousands of years before Europeans landed and for 8K years before the earliest texts of the OT and the covenant with Abraham. “God” was concerned for the souls of those in Asia Minor, but not on this continent, unless you are LDS.

Santorum also is wrong to say "there isn't much Native American culture in American culture." There are the land on which “we” live, advances in agriculture, and indigenous peoples still are alive. Theirs are Nations amongst our own, war-mongering vestige of European imperialism.

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Comment by pogden297 on April 28, 2021 at 11:51am

So you're complaining about Santorum's stereotype and then you offer your own?

"The predominantly white, rightwing evangelical sect is repugnant to many, including Christians. Its adherents advocate authoritarianism yet usually deny their pursuit of theocracy. Government as they would have it is based on their primitive Old Testament (“OT”) deity."

Aren't you basically doing the same thing?


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