Civil Discourse Now

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Russia's atrocities in Ukraine are redolent of U.S. in Vietnam

U.S. approached greatness. Russia’s invasion of/atrocities in Ukraine sounded like the latter days in Vietnam & U.S. soldiers, bitter & cynical, committing war crimes similar to what we hear of Russia. The difference? We stopped the war in Vietnam. Russia carries on. MAGA ppl... 1/4

seem embittered by the notion the U.S. hasn’t bullied the World. When we dug in our heels & said “no” to Vietnam, we (enough to stop the fiasco) had self-awareness & said no more war. That angered those who profit from war. One might ask trump, who once said only...2/4

Losers & suckers went to Vietnam. MAGA ppl who proudly cite Ukraine as how to fight tyranny should shut up. Your boy trump held up weapons to Ukraine in a shake down a la the Mob. We need to realize greatness derives from opposing tyranny & advocating peace. 3/4

I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & pro-democracy. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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Comment by pogden297 on April 12, 2022 at 7:00am

The only difference between war crimes committed by the U.S. in Vietnam and Russia committed in Ukraine is that we stopped the war in Vietnam while Russia is not doing the same in Ukraine?  Surely, you can't be serious.  Russian leaders have deliberately targeted civilians, even going so far as attacking hospitals and apartment buildings.  It is part of their war strategy.   There were certainly rogue US military personnel in Vietnam who did attack and kill civilian (see for example the My Lai massacre) but that was never something that was widespread and, again, certainly not the US. policy.  And many of the American soldiers who did target civilians were identified and prosecuted for their actions.  You think Russia is going to do that?

Military action is never surgical. Even the best planned and executed military action often results in civilian casualties. But there is a HUGE difference between a country that inadvertently kills civilians and rogue military personnel who deliberately do so, and a country whose leaders deliberately target civilians to try to terrorize the population.

Now, it turns out Russia may have used lethal gas in Ukraine to kill civilians, which it has done in Syria and other countries. When has the United States ever done that?

This column reminds me of when Trump excused Putin killing his political opponents by saying "we kill people too."  No, in the United States politicians don't have their political opponents killed.  Not usually at least.


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