Civil Discourse Now

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Right-wing nut bag and magaGOP nominee for IN Lt Gov Micah Beckwith speaks for ALL Christians

Micah Beckwith [FN1] acts like s/he speaks for ALL Christians. This phenomenon is not new. A notable example was Rev Jerry Falwell, who had a high profile in the 1980 elections as head of the “Moral Majority,” but only 27% felt positively about it. [FN2] Beckwith posted: 1/9

> 25 million Christians registered to vote do not vote in presidential elections; 65 million do not vote in local elections, and 15 million are not registered to vote. “Can you imagine if all those folks voted based on biblical values?” [FN3] Here a couple of issues: 2/9

1) Abortion: Beckwith wants to add criminal penalties for doctors who perform abortions & for women seeking abortions because doctors & ppl who get abortions illegally “may not see too many consequences”; Beckwith believes there should be no exceptions for rape or incest. 3/9

2) Guns: Beckwith is “proud” of his 100% rating from Gun Owners of America, which argues “gun regulation of any kind” is unconstitutional. A longtime spokesperson believes the bible should rule the USA & gun rights will be important until Christ comes again. [FN4] 4/9

One may reasonably infer that Beckwith believes biblical values will lead ppl to hold Beckwith’s views on these issues. Beckwith happily says “I’m a Christian nationalist.” That’s not a type of Christianity most Christians recognize. 5/9

Then again, Beckwith probably will have a test for whether someone is a “real” Christian. #BrainsNotBraun
And everyone, this is my friend: Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 6/9

FN1. Hamilton County preacher who was nominated for Lt Gov at the Indiana Republican State Convention in June.
FN2. Martin P Wattenberg, “Politics from the Pulpit: Religiosity and the 1980 Elections,” Economic Outlook USA, Summer 1982, p.61. 7/9

FN3. “More than 25 million Christians who are registered to vote do not vote in presidential elections. And as many as 65 million Christians do not vote in local elections, according to statistics published by My Faith Votes.... 8/9

FN3a. “Some 15 million Christians are not even registered to vote. Can you imagine if all those folks voted based on biblical values?”
FN4. Spies, Mike, “Gun Owners of America: An Introduction to the Country’s Most Controversial Gun Group,” 12/29/15. 9/9

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