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magaGOP nominee for IN Gov does not mention his lying running mate on fundraising email

This year Hoosier can vote for Pres/VP. The ticket cannot be “split.” We also pick Gov/Lt Gov in similar fashion from 3 tickets. [FN1] On 9/27, magaGOP nominee for IN Gov Braun solicited $$ for “his” campaign saying IN’s gone from “likely” to “leaning” red. 1/13

The name of Braun’s titular running mate, Micah Beckwith, was notably absent. I’ve said that a valid poll is expensive to administer, since land lines are far fewer. The vibe I’ve sensed is like 2008, but more so. In 2008, Indiana’s electoral votes went to then-Sen Obama. 2/13

People need to understand that by voting for Braun they also vote for Beckwith. Beckwith has no business in political office & would impose her/his view of Jesus on everyone. Beckwith lies in saying this country was founded to be Christian. Well, what did they discuss in 1787? 3/13

The Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia from May to September. The windows of the Statehouse were boarded up. Delegates agreed to not disclose to the public what they were saying. The Constitution was put to the vote of a ratification convention in each State. 4/13

A lot of evidence supports the view that this country was not founded as a Christian nation. The conventions in North Carolina give clear evidence. N Carolina had 2 conventions because in the 1st convention, The Constitution was voted down - because of the absence of religion. 5/13

Delegate Henry Abbott [FN2] said “exclusion of religious tests [in Art. VI] is by many thought dangerous and impolitic ... pagans, deists, and Mahometans might obtain offices” & all the members of Congress might be pagans. [FN3] If, as Beckwith contends, this country 6/13

is Christian, those who argued in favor of ratification would have pointed to provisions of The Constitution & said how “God” or “Jesus” are there. That is not what James Iredell, a future SCOTUS justice and son and grandson of Christian clergymen [FN4] said: 7/13

“Every person in the least conversant in the history of mankind, knows what dreadful mischiefs have been committed by religious persecutions. Under the color of religious tests, the utmost cruelties have been exercised.... “But is objected that the people of America may, perhaps, 8/13

choose representatives who have no religion at all, and that pagans and Mahometans may be Admitted into offices. But how is it possible to exclude any set of men, without taking away that principle of religious freedom which we ourselves so warmly contend for?” [FN5] 9/13

Please realize: 1) Beckwith is no scholar of The Constitution or its history; 2) Beckwith is trying to come in under radar, but would impose a theocracy; 3) Beckwith’s beliefs the principles of religious freedom the Framers advocated. 10/13

A vote for Braun is a vote for Beckwith. Braun’s over 70 years old. Beckwith should not be near political power. That Beckwith’s name is absent from Braun’s emails says a lot #BrainsNotBraun And everyone, this is my friend: Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 11/13

FN1. Those tickets are McCormick/Gooding (Democratic Party), Braun/Beckwith (magaGOP); and Rainwater/Hudson (Libertarian).
FN2. Abbott, a Baptist minister, served as a delegate to both of North Carolina’s conventions. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. MS 615. 12/13

FN3. 30 July 1788, Elliot 4:191–192.
FN4. James Iredell, Oyez, accessed 08/23/24.
FN5. Id., note 4, 4:193-94. 13/13

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