Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

People were shot in Highland Park on this day of Independence

July 4 as a national holiday is fitting. The Declaration of Independence was signed July 2, 1776. A printer changed the date. The white, male landowners who signed the document represented a minority even amongst white, male landowners. (Oh, and no Jews or Muslims signed.) 1/6

There were no statistically valid polls, but a common estimate is one-third wanted to separate from England, another 1/3 wanted to keep the ties and 1/3 didn’t care. This is of white male landowners (no Jews or Muslims in the mix, but deists and even atheists were okay). 2/6

The freedom thing is “off.” The largest concentrations of wealth in, and source of income for, the colonies was slavery. Some say we need to “get past” slavery. I know history can be unpleasant. Groovy. If we don’t discuss slavery, then don’t mention slave holders. After all, 3/6

Monticello was built by Jefferson’s slaves. (Many of the younger slaves had bright red hair.) We should omit mention of Washington D.C., so much of which was built by slaves. A major event would have to be omitted, too. Southern States committed treason to preserve slavery. 4/6

A “freedom” supposedly enshrined in the 2nd Amendment, hit a personal note today. People in Highland Park IL, were shot during a July 4 parade. I’m not from there, but for a year I lived, & people I love still reside in, the ‘burbs. This news scared the shit out of me. 5/6

This is not the “land of the free,” but it can be. We have to seize back control from the far right. I’m Mark Small: anti-gun, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-separation of church & State GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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