Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Several ppl expressed dismay, after the protest outside the Governor’s Mansion on 09/15/22, that I do not have a platform. One person wrote “Yikes.” In February I posted my platform on my blog & Twitter in February. So, here are the issues I listed w/my stand. 1/5

1) Women’s reproductive rts: codify provisions of Roe. 2) Education: restore academic freedom of our pub school teachers & end vouchers. 3) Economic policies: repeal IN TIF statute + stop public subsidies to pro sports. 4) Local rule: ban contracts of > four (4) yrs’ duration. 2/5

5) Guns: fund peer-review studies & examine link betw guns & crime. 6) Environment: clean up our waters, within 5 years so a person can drink directly from any stream or river. 7) Rape: if a victim of rape she chooses to go to term w/child, rapist should have no parental rts. 3/5

8) Political parties: create a special category of NFPs for political parties & allow greater voter control. 9) Death penalty: abolish it. 9) Voting rights: make registration to vote & voting itself as easy as possible + outlaw gerrymandering. 10) Drugs: legalize all drugs. 4/5

I hope this allays concerns expressed by the folks after the protest on Thursday. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-science, pro-separation of church & State, anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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