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Musk "dis" of Sen Young gone ... fast!

Indy, 2/3/25
Dear Mr Musk:
This morning I read your reply to a post about Sen Todd Young (R-IN) but it disappeared in a few seconds. That’s no surprise. Earth spins at > 17k mph & moves through space at > 30k. Of course info flies off the internet, like guest lists to Epstein’s parties. 1/11

Fortunately, information cannot be destroyed, as Stephen Hawking (a theoretical physicist) said. The gist of your post: because Sen Young hadn’t indicated he’d vote to confirm Tulsi Gabbard as DNI (Director of Nat’l Intelligence), Young is a puppet of the “Deep State.” 2/11

1) As a board member of the Deep State, w/a decoder ring updated & 100% attendance at mtgs, I can say, w/o hesitation: Young is not a member.
2) The Deep State uses marionettes: still a puppet, but w/strings. Distinctions betw allegories are important & this is a matter of practicality. 3/11

Somebody wants a puppet master to drink a glass of water as the puppet “speaks” & things get messy very quickly. Putin [FN1] is the only one I’ve ever seen pull that off, & it’s quite a feat.
3) Gabbard should be voted down. U.S. intelligence agencies are worried. 4/11

Gabbard could be a mole for Russia. That’s silly since, as soon as trump was sworn 1/20/17 and 1/20/25, full access to our systems no doubt was given to Putin. [FN2] Another thing, I’ve called “bullshit” any time somebody’s said you act like you’re on Adderall or amphetamines. 5/11

The richest man in the world wouldn’t fuck around w/drugs like that. You can afford really good shit: HGH, nuvigil, a smorgasbord of “smart drugs.” I only can guess drugs Putin [FN3] takes, but hell, Russia juiced the Olympics. You had guts, splittin fr S Africa as a teenager. 6/11

A writer notes: “For even the most apolitical white South African child, racial politics was everywhere.” [FN4] Sen Young, to paraphrase the Oval Office’s current occupant, was a sucker or a loser, or maybe both. Other world figures, as youths, faced political turmoil. 7/11

An example is Putin. [FN5] Young has been paid well, but not in the military. Young pulled down $$$ money from the gun lobby in amounts you accrue as you scan a list of employees to axe. What others make is only conjecture, the obvious example being Putin. [FN6] 8/11

FN1. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
FN2. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. 9/11

FN3. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
FN4. Fairbanks, Eve, “What Elon Musk Gets Wrong About South Africa,” The Dial, 11/30/23, accessed 2/3/25. 10/11

FN5. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
FN6. Vladimir Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest. most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. 11/11

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