Civil Discourse Now

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Monon Bell Game: tomorrow's Show, streamed from Moore's Bar, 11 am to 1 pm.

   Tomorrow's Show will stream live from Moore's Bar, 17 South Indiana, in beautiful Greencastle, Indiana. DePauw University will host Wabash College, a school of cretinous misogynists located in Crawfordsville.

   Wabash has won the past four meetings. There use to be a debate each year, in a series known as the Monon Bell debates. Those debates were after my time. We debated Wabash, at tournaments and in audience settings, and won. I do not recall a loss to Wabash. The Monon Bell debates were ended because they became too rowdy. That is unfortunate. Isaac Asimov wrote (or said; anyway the quote is attributed to him) violence is the last resort of the incompetent. I would surmise whatever violence occurred was sparked by people from Wabash.

   In Indianapolis, Moe and Johnny's, at 54th and College, usually has the game on several screens and is an official place to watch the Bell Game. We will be at Moore's Bar. I hope DePauw is victorious, but our record would indicate we shall not be. There is this general rule as to the series, however. Usually the team with a record outrageously better than that of the other loses. DePauw's opponent tomorrow is 9-1. DePauw is not. I shall hope the trend in that regard prevails. 

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