Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Invitation: to anyone who wants to discuss whether there was a Jesus and Jesus's birthday was December 25.

   Either the World ends today, or tomorrow "Civil Discourse Now" goes on at 11 a.m.

   Fox News® has reported a lot about a war on Christmas. I believe there should not be a "war" on Christmas, but a more rational understanding of the secular roots of the holiday.

   This is an invitation to anyone who would like to come onto the program tomorrow to discuss whether Christmas really is the birthday of Jesus Christ.  This topic entails a couple of questions. First, whether there was what has been described as an "historical Jesus." That means an actual person—and Jesus took human form, according to the New Testament; without taking that form there could not have been the death for people’s sins, etc.—who was born as described in the Gospel According to Luke. Is there any physical evidence to support that existence? Were any contemporaneous accounts written about any aspect of Jesus’s life? (Hint: the four gospels were not contemporaneous to the life of Jesus.)

   Second, whether December 25 was the day upon which Jesus was born or whether the date was hijacked, by the early Christian church from Pagans. Pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice—the shortest day of the year, after which days grew longer and light became more prevalent—as their biggest holiday.

   This is a chance for someone to present the side for Jesus’s birthday—both as having ever occurred and as having occurred on December 25. You can respond to this FB post. Leave some contact info and I will get back with you.

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Comment by Paul K. Ogden on December 21, 2012 at 10:23am

You keep saying it, but I don't know of anyone who actually believes Jesus was born on December 25.   It's just the day we celebrate that birth.  I'm not sure why it's a big deal that the day we celebrate that birthday doesn't coincide with the actual birthday.  We do that all the time with celebrations.


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