Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

After January 1: "Civil Discourse Now" joins the "Indiana Talks" network!

   I had the pleasure, yesterday, of being a guest on The Gary Snyder Show. Gary has organized a network on the internet called "Indiana Talks." As I understand his goal, "Indiana Talks" is an internet platform for pod casts, originating from Indiana, that span a wide range of viewpoints. Google "Indiana Talks" and you can pick up its shows that are on now. I would provide a "link," but I am not that advanced techno-wise.

   Yesterday Gary also extended, and we accepted, an invitation to be included in the shows streamed by "Indiana Talks." After January 1, "Civil Discourse Now" will be in the line-up of shows on "Indiana Talks." Neither our content nor our approach to topics will change. We will stream "live," but both in video and audio. Tentatively the broadcast time will be the same as it has been—11 a.m. Saturdays. Re-plays of The Show also will be aired at other times later in a given week.

   This Saturday we will discuss whether Christmas really is the birthday of Jesus Christ.

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