Civil Discourse Now

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If some in GOP want theocracy, then say it,

Offensive is an item, in the Republican Newsletter, by Indiana’s State Party chair, Kyle Hupfer: “On Good Friday tomorrow please join us in remembering that Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.” Mr Hupfer wrote this in his official capacity.

The Indiana Constitution protects Mr Hupfer’s rights to religious opinions and conscience (Art. I, sec. 3) and religion (Art. I, sec. 4.) Some in the GOP want a theocracy: “Government of a state by those who are believed to be or represent that they are acting under the immediate direction of God or some other divinity.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th ed., 2014, p. 1706.)

In a theocracy, “god” or divinity is specific and exclusive. Indiana’s Constitution protects the right to believe even in a deity that declares it is “jealous and will have no others before” it. That person just cannot actuate the deity’s jealousy via public office.

Senator Barry Goldwater warned about preachers trying to take over the party. Today some run as candidates and joke about the “t” word (theocracy) while they tell a flock on Sunday about their most recent conversation with a supreme deity.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” That is freedom from and of religion, as well as equal treatment of all beliefs.

We have to stand up and object to religious takeover of government. The Framers were familiar with religious warfare in Europe. The bloodiest was between warring factions of Christianity. It was part of The Reformation.

Religion is a matter of personal belief and conscience. It has no place in the newsletter of one of our two (2) major political parties. If some want a theocracy, let them declare that and not joke. Or will they deny it three times before the cock crows?

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