Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

I'm running for City-County Council to fight bigotry & ignorance

UniGov joined the government of Indianapolis w/the governments of most of the rest of Marion County in 1970. The idea was to coherently plan development, foster systems of transportation & services that best meet people’s needs, all in a peaceful environment. We’ve come up short. 1/6

This iteration of the GOP has trained its base to salivate & growl “Socialism!” selectively. Party donors make merry w/TIF funds. Bus lines are placed to serve developers’ needs. Crime rates rise & fall & rise w/little change in the concept of police being soldiers in a war. Changes? 2/6

1) We should re-think how our police function. Among some tribes of indigenous ppl, warriors who returned from war lived apart from the tribe, but with older warriors who would help in the transition from war to daily life in peace. Today we have a mentality that places cops in war. 3/6

We do our veterans no favors by giving them employment in environments where they are told to view other citizens as enemies. We do ourselves no favors by maintaining this myth of war. Each day brings more deaths at the hands of law enforcement. We need to do more to prevent crime. 4/6

Extreme disparities in wealth fuel crime. TIFS function so as to place more money in the pockets of the wealthy. We need to end TIFS. We also need to de-militarize our police. Yesterday I filed as a candidate for the City-County Council in Indianapolis, District 2, in the GOP primary. 5/6

If you vote in Distr 2 & agree we can’t abandon 1/2 of our 2-party system to bigotry & ignorance, please request a GOP ballot in the May primary & vote for me, Mark Small, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun candidate. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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