Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

I'm a Republican (capital "R") in good standing. Seriously.

Someone asked how I could be a republican (they used the lower-case “r”), yet re-post a meme to the effect that Pres Biden is a decent man. To be clear: the GOP was not founded as, & is not yet, a cult of personality. It started as party of progressive ideas: abolition & economic reforms. 1/4

After the 1964 election, some in the GOP saw opportunity to persuade racists in what, since the Civil War, had been the Democratic Party’s “solid South.” Yet even as late as the 2008 campaign Sen McCain corrected an Arizona voter to say then-Senator Obama is a decent man. There...2/4

is no requirement in IN GOP rules or articles of incorporation that require that I (1) demean Pres Biden or (2) praise the individual who left the Oval Office on 1/20/21. We can’t surrender one of the two “major” political parties to racism & idiocy. Under IN GOP rules & State law I am...3/4

a Republican in good standing & primary qualified. If you are GOP & don’t like what I say, you have a choice. You need not vote for me. I’m Mark Small: pro environment, pro-choice, pro-civil rights, anti-gun GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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