Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Hallowe'en this weekend, tits Nov 2, vets Nov 9, and the Monon Bell Show Nov 16 streamed live from Moores Bar.

   This weekend's Show we shall discuss Hallowe'en, as well as current matters in the news.

   Next weekend the focal topic will be breast cancer. Guests will include survivors of the disease (of whom my wife, Sarah, is one). The topic is very serious, but there will be some humor. There has to be some humor in the face of such a terrible malady.

   November 9 we shall stream live from the White River Yacht Club and engage guest panelists who include military veterans, since November 11 is Veterans' Day.

   As for November 16...

   Lo, these many years DePauw alumni have suffered without a victory in the Monon Bell game, the football competition with a college in Crawfordsville, Indiana. The Bell game is the main focus of the oldest college rivalry west of the Allegheny Mountains. The rivalry between Purdue University and Indiana University is included in the survey of rivalries. I would point out that a friend suggested the rivalry between IU and Purdue has lost some of its meaning as so many campuses around the State of Indiana are "IU-Purdue-Something."

   In years that end in an odd number, the Bell game is played in Greencastle. This is 2013. If one does the math, one arrives at the conclusion this year's game is at DePauw. We shall stream live from Moores Bar, 17 South Indiana Street, Greencastle, from 11 am to 1 pm. Moores is under (relatively) new management. The establishment is only a couple of blocks from the heart of the DePauw campus, but was not frequented by many students in the late 1970s. "The" bar, back then, was Topper's, five or six blocks from the southern edge of campus. I was a member of the Thursday Night Supper Club, an informal organization that met---yes, on Thursdays---each week for dinner (cheeseburgers predominated) and discussion of various topics. We tried to rotate establishments for our meetings, but there only were, at the time, six bars in Greencastle. Two of the places were out of bounds for us. We went to Moores several times. The food always was good, and there was a big-screen TV there. In the 1970s, that was a technological marvel.

   This past June, during DePauw Alumni Weekend, I visited Moores for the first time since I graduated May 17, 1978. The ceiling was replaced with really cool stamped tin from an old retail store. The walls had been stripped down to bare brick. I had a tenderloin that was delicious. And the beer was cold and very good. I chatted with the owners and explained the podcast we do. I asked then if it would be possible to stream live on the day of the Monon Bell game. They said to follow up. I did. They were happy to have us.

   So there is the lineup for our next shows. December 7 we shall do a special Pearl Harbor Show. World War II aircraft fans will enjoy.

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