Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Gutless, masked, heavily armed idiots marched by the dozen in Indy...

A few dozen masked, heavily armed thugs marched downtown in Indy a couple of days ago, in a show of what they apparently saw as “guts.” They hid their faces behind masks. If they want to spew their hate-filled rhetoric, they should remove their masks. Until then they can stuff it. 1/5

Next, Isaac Asimov wrote violence is “the last resort of the incompetent.” If you need a gun to make your point, you don’t have a point. Guns didn’t win this country liberty. British debt & her distance fr America did. Guns were used by army & militias, not individuals. Guns did 2/5

keep down slaves & kill indigenous ppl. In 1920s Indiana, KKK’s Horse Thief Detectives tried to scare Black ppl from voting by showing up at polling sites w/guns. To say you need a gun to vote is Horse offal. Last, if you rely on your shouts to drown out the voices of your opponents ... 3/5

you don’t win an argument any more than turning up VOL makes a song good. In 1860 the GOP sought to end slavery & secure “workingmen liberal wages” & make manufacturers adequately reward skill, labor & enterprise. Later the GOP went green. Political parties shouldn’t be 4/5

allowed to function as “closed corporations.” Indiana’s GOP functions this way. State law should prohibit this corporate form. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro-separation of church & State, anti-gun GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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