Civil Discourse Now

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GOP Gov candidate Dodin as WSS mascot for this iteration of the GOP

The last war [FN1] this country fought ended 9/2/45 with Japan’s surrender [FN2], longer than any time in our history without war. Elected political officials have found circumvention of formal declarations of war as convenient as the use of war as metaphor for anything else.1/9

Eric Doden is a candidate for IN Governor in this iteration of the GOP. He lays claim to being an “outsider.” [FN3] That’s not true. His GOP primary loss in a 2011 run for Mayor of Ft Wayne [FN4] is not the kicker. Then-Gov Pence’s appointment of Dodin to the IEDC in 2013 is. 2/9

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation was established by Gov Mitch Daniels as a “private-public partnership” to enhance business development in our “free market” society. As the late Gary Welsh often observed, the public comes out badly in that situation. And at 3/9

IEDC, a competent person would work w/the General Assembly and the business community, & that’s more “in” than “out.” Dodin’s commercials leave an impression of an anti-choice, “law & order,” white male tool; i.e., the mascot of this iteration of the GOP. Then there’s “war.” 4/9

Dodin would fight drugs & put dealers behind bars, etc. That “war on drugs” has failed for 50+ years and exacerbated societal harms usually associated w/drugs. Of course the TV ads indicate Dodin (& other GOP would-be Govs) seeks a different title WSS. [FN5] Whoever 5/9

wins the GOP primary for Gov, and wins in the general election, needs to hone her/his skills at sampling of food and drink. That’s not because of the demands of attending banquets as Indiana Gov. It’s because Micah Beckwith might be Lt Gov w/an eye on next-higher office. 6/9

FN1. U.S. Const. Art. I, sec. 8.
FN2. 7/9

FN4.,_Indi... 8/9

FN6. White Supremacist Savior. 9/9

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