Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

FOX entertainment division - a/k/a “news” - has an emetic effect and rarely is on my TV. An exception is when I want to see hear what the enemy has to say. In a few moments, Sean Hannity warned the danger the USA faces if the two Georgia Senate seats go blue.

Hannity needs to go back to frame carpentry. The “danger” to this country comes from people he has backed. His pal in the Oval Office acted in callous disregard of people’s lives at the start of the pandemic.

If blood were more visible, the current occupant of the Oval Office would be called a butcher. We have over 300K needlessly dead. The danger is compounded by clowns like Hannity, who endorse and advocate for the killers.

What is the danger Senator Schumer would pose? Maybe he would facilitate COVID checks so people can eat. Gosh - maybe a Majority Leader Schumer would allow an up or down vote on real and meaningful gun control, like the overwhelming majority wants.

There is a channel that appears to be nothing but Jimmy Swaggert programming. I thought Jimmy had disappeared with his second bust for jerking to a hooker. Then I saw the shows were reruns from 2010.

Hannity has choked people’s chickens for longer than Swaggert thumped his own turkey. One day Hannity’s show might have an odd channel of its own, all decade-old reruns. Of course a couple of channels seem to only run shows about Hitler.

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Comment by pogden297 on January 5, 2021 at 3:41pm

As usual, you're way behind, Mark.  Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, etc. are now mainstream compared to what you'll see on Newsmax.


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