Civil Discourse Now

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Do not vote for any GOP candidates for U.S. House or Senate & I can say that as a GOP nominee & office holder

Majority rule is anathema to this iteration of the Republican Party. After all, its candidates for the Oval Office lost the popular vote eight of the last 10 elections. Despite its losers, the GOP has named six of the nine Justices on a Roberts Court that is as redolent as the Taney Court. 1/7

IN GOP Rule 1-6. If an individual openly supports a candidate after the primary who opposes a GOP candidate, they are not in good standing in the GOP & may be removed for cause. That’s the rule. I can say the GOP has crippled the USA, esp since it bared its neck to trump. 2/7

trump is being shown as conspiring to stage a coup after the lost the 2020 election. He is owned by Russian banks. US banks wouldn’t lend him money. Putin owns the Russian banks & trump did what was best for Russia. trump created chaos here. McConnell & the Senate helped 3/7

stall a full year to put Gorsuch on the Court and jammed Barrett as fast as possible. Women have less standing under the Constitution than a gun. That figures that greater value is given to an object that’s long and hard. Thomas warned in a concurring opinion of what’s next. 4/7

Marriage equality, gay rights and contraception will be on the chopping block. As the January 6 hearings have made clear, the trump iteration of the GOP functions a criminal enterprise. They planned a coup on January 6. I sought and won GOP nomination for IN86. I can say: 5/7

1) trump should be indicted (pick a charge). 2) Do not vote 4 any candidate who: a) supports trump; b) thinks guns are great & women have to carry any pregnancy to term; & c) Any GOP candidate in Indiana for U.S. Senate or U.S. House. On Rule 1-6, I didn’t violate it or 6/7

give it mere lip service, which is more than one can say about SCOTUS & the Constitution. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-science, pro-separation of church & State, anti-gun GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 7/7

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